Human canvas heat index:
FLASH CHALLENGE: Meh…too many titties/vaginas to get us
ELIMINATION CHALLENGE: Crank that shit up to 11! Holy fuck.
The producers heard our whining and tossed us a major bone or two or three this
week and now we’re both sitting here on the couch holding throw pillows to our
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Spiking the heat index... Jimmy Smith! Frank Trigg would look better if Jimmy wasn't also in this shot. |
Quick note before we begin: Daniel sat down to watch this
week’s episode and ran across Antique Roadshow. It’s a goddamn miracle that he
made it to watch and blog about Ink Master because quite honestly there’s
nothing on the face of this planet better than Antique Roadshow…yes, not even
Dave on the other hand could care less, and missed Ink Master because he was visiting stoners in San Francisco who would rather watch Adventure Time.
Dave on the other hand could care less, and missed Ink Master because he was visiting stoners in San Francisco who would rather watch Adventure Time.
So Daniel was laid up sick as a dog after trolling for STD’s
over the weekend and Dave took a trip up north to get his tattoo worked on
outside of Oakland. Hence our reason for getting this shit up a bit late. We’re
busy gals…so shoot us.
So anyway, back to the show. Now that Brozzley’s gone that’s
one fewer that we actually liked left on the show. Will be fun to see how Andre
3000 bounces back after angering the godz who judge this shit.
Josh went on about customer service and “revealed” that he
is from a long line of used car salesmen. Good on him, we guess?
So this week’s flash challenge put our contestants up
against horse cock. Wait, is that right?
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So... Louis Vuitton is now making designer tee-shirts for Satanists? |
Um…so what was up with Auntie Navarro’s, “Today
your canvas is the human body.” Dear line producers, please lay off the
Special K or please do more cocaine or something please please please. That was
the most creative thing you could come up with? You could literally roll a cup
of Yahtzee letters and come up with something more interesting than that shit.
Is anyone even trying? Am I upset over nothing? The answers to those two
questions are no and then yes.
The challenge is to transform their canvas into a wild
animal using body paint. Jersey Jimmy gets the “bonus” of assigning the animals
to the contestants, so of course he’s gunning for Joshua. Therefore Joshua gets the porcupine.
It’s funny because the contestants are fucking freezing in
their jackets and beanies. Then we’ve got the models who are having to stand
there basically naked. Must blow to be a model sometimes. Getting’ paid to
stand there doin’ nothin’ but freeze your ass off. We’d take some money for
that but we’d complain about it the whole time too, don’t think we wouldn’t.
Josh is bumming on his porcupine which isn’t wanting to
cooperate. Shame on you Mr. Porcupine! Someone must have let slip that Mrs.
Priss is the most hated contestant this season. Maybe the producers fed it some
catnip or something? I’ve never considered a porcupine on crack before this
episode and now it’s something I can’t get off my mind.
It seemed like some people literally took this flash
challenge to mean, “Transform your model into this particular animal,” while
others took it to mean, “Draw a face on your model’s stomach,” the latter of
which seems like cheating to us. We’ll go back and review the instructions, but
didn’t Auntie Navarro say, “Transform dat ass into somethin’ zoological an’
shit.” We’re pretty sure that’s the way it went down. Regardless, of course
they loved Ta2 BB’s picture of Garfield on some girls stomach. We think it was
Garfield. Daniel said Garfield and we’re too lazy to fact check. It’s been a
long week.
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Hard to believe Josh doesn't just try to suck balls half of the time. Doesn't seem like a good strategy, however. |
Team Handsome did a horrible tiger on his girls belly.
Jiminy did an owl on a stomach. OMG Joshua’s porcupine looks like fucking hell.
Lesbro just drew a snake draped around her model. It also looked like fuckin’
hell but at least she got to stare at boobies for the duration of the challenge.
Andre 3000 did a pretty gnarly vulture and he worked that transformation angle.
All in all…this really blew. Uncle Fester with a face seemed bummed but his
wasn’t the worst so there’s that.
The judges hated Joshua’s porcupine and loved Jersey Jimmy’s
stomach owl, but Kyle’s lizard seemed to stoke the judges out the most. Oh…and
of course Ta2 BB and her cat with tits for ears. But Kyle (eyeball neck) won! Yay! He’s so fuckin’ sexy…we’re
both in agreement over that shit. <3 U Kyle! Don’t fuck it up.
Now…on to the…
Daniel wants to be “judged” by Banjo Kazooey.
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I'm sure I've seen this guy hovering near the dark corner behind the pinball machine, slipping GHB into peoples drinks. |
Whoa! Guest judge. Hello. You’re fuckin’ sexy dude. Troy
Denning takes the judging panel into mad-daddy territory. Daniel would tap that
and Dave most likely would too. (I might, but would slut-shame myself afterwards---Dave)
So the challenge is Asian tattoos. Everybody’s disapproving
father, Chris Nuñez, is sneering at everybody because he’s some Asian master.
FUCKIN’ JIMMY SMITH! Oh God so fucking hot both of these
fuckers. These dudes pushed our Human Canvas Heat Index to 11 by themselves.
Excuse Daniel while he goes and fucks his hand really hard.
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Kyle did exactly what I would have done and gave himself Jimmy Smith. Most likely for different reasons. |
Mrs. Priss is all upset. He’s like, “Oh whyyyyy are people
noticing I’m a cunt and then treating me thusly?”
Bro wants a tramp stamp. LOL Don’t do it bro. Don’t do it. He did it.
Mrs. Priss should be happy because his canvas is built like
Jesus H. himself. Seriously…thank you casting. Dave will suck each of you off
whenever you decide to ask for some oral. Male or female…he’ll do his best.
Auntie Navarro’s Christian Death shirt is cute. What a
Jersey Jimmy’s canvas is bumming out, throwing a wrench into
his carefully laid plans of somehow destroying Mrs. Priss’ life. He’s going to
figure out a way to blame it on Mrs. Priss. Trust us. He will.
Uh oh…Lesbro. Please don’t say anything that starts with,
“My whole life…” That’s always the beginning of lame-o territory in reality
television. “My whole life people have made fun of the lump on my back.” “My
whole life I’ve been teased for having one leg 8 inches shorter than the
other.” When somebody starts with the “My whole life” sentences it means
they’re trying to come up with excuses. ALL OF US have things that have blown
for us our whole lives. Don’t go there, contestants. Don’t do it.
It’s too bad there’s not a live feed for this show the way
they’re doing with that Big Brother nonsense because we could stare at Frank
Trigg for several hours while he was getting worked over on a massage table.
How goddamn sexy. PRODUCERS! Want to bring in more advertising dollars?
Implement cameras on the tables next season and then let Frontiers readers know
about it.
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Fuck Trigg, more Jimmy Smith! Wa-cow! Wildcat! |
Uh oh…Banjo Kazooey started off the judging session by
saying that everybody blew chunks…just like he started off last week’s judging
session. Hey Banjo, shake shit up and say something nice sometime. That will
really put everybody off guard.
Anyway, invisible black bro’s (Rich) tattoo, was pretty damn
funny. I mean, who DOESN’T want a google eyed Asian woman on their body. LOL
Uncle Fester with a face caught a little flack from the hot
daddy guest judge. Still, it was a darn nice dragon.
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At least Daniel likes it. |
Lesbro might be getting the losers edit. Uh. Oh. Why did
they have that snippet with her crying earlier? This isn’t looking good. L
Team Handsome (Joey) did a pretty gnarly mask on dude’s
neck. Guest judge dug it.
Jersey Jimmy got in trouble for his demon tattoo. Bad
design, bro.
Mr. who the fuck? (E S?) drew a tiger and they didn’t like
it at all. Daniel thought it was pretty.
Andre 3000’s birdz were funky. Uh oh.
Joshua’s butt mask was actually pretty goddamn horrible.
Ta2 BB’s lion was REALLY fuckin’ funny looking. Rawr Grrrr!
Gurl! Pull that shit together.
So let’s all go to Taco Bell and see what the human tacos
are deliberating about. They’re saying that they don’t like Josh’s ass-crack
The beefarito judges giggled over Ta2 BB’s “stuffed animal” lion.
So Banjo Kazooey comes in and says, “We want to see all of
you this week.” Oh good Lord.
NO WINNER this week. Is that supposed to be exciting? Come
on Spike. We don’t all want to slit our wrists after watching your show. Put
your judges on psych meds for Christ’s sake. They’re all trying to out grump
each other.
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"In lieu of a winner this week, we are grinding you all up and serving you to Asmodeus... smothered in cheese and wrapped in a delicious Doritos® shell." |
And as for next week’s sneak peak: “You’re designing for a
very picky canvas. Me.” – Auntie Navarro. *eye roll*
Yay, Nay, or GAY. Rating the best and worst. ---Dave
Yay, Nay, or GAY. Rating the best and worst. ---Dave